Is My Aging Parent Neglecting Their Own Health, Safety, or Hygiene?

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Aging is a natural process of life, but it can get particularly hard for certain individuals. You probably have an aging parent living alone and are wondering whether they are okay. Maybe you have noticed a few things that have got you concerned but are unsure whether it's time to go for assisted living. Here are signs to look out for to help you make that decision.

Health and Mobility

Monitor any changes in your parent's sleeping patterns such as too much sleep in the daytime. Unexplained weight loss can be a sign of poor feeding or illness. Also check if your parent is seeking medical attention on time.

If your aging parent is experiencing difficulty getting up from a seated position, balancing or walking, there may be cause for concern. Recent accidents may also be a sign that they have mobility issues.

Mental changes

If your aged parent is constantly missing appointments or turning up late, it may be that they're losing track of time. They may forget to take medication or even take the wrong doses. Forgetfulness is another sign that your parent may need assisted living.

Check your parent's sense of judgment. Are they constantly making wrong decisions about his finances? Look out for reckless behavior such as giving out large sums of money or falling for scams. Have you noticed any mood changes in your aging parent lately? If they seem to be losing interest in things they once loved or experiencing mood swings, you ought to be concerned.

When mental changes are taking place, it's important to consider Alzheimer care services, or at least a caring assisted living staff with medical backup. 

Changes in Hygiene

Deteriorating body hygiene is one sign that your aging parent needs help. Look at things like irregular bathing, body odor, poor grooming, wearing of dirty or torn clothes, etc. Also, see if you can smell urine around the house.

Housekeeping Problems

Look around your parent's home for signs of neglect of household chores. Telltale signs will include stacks of unwashed laundry or dishes, stains on furniture or carpet, wet spots around the house, spoiled food in the fridge, etc.

Disconnected utilities and debt collection notices may be a sign they're neglecting household responsibilities.

If you suspect that your aging parent is neglecting themselves, take a closer look at their lifestyle. Look out for deterioration in personal hygiene, mobility, and housekeeping. If you notice the signs above, it may be time for assisted living.
